Industrial & Civil.
From road bridges, embankments and transport tunnels, to factories, industrial facilities, culverts, water retaining structures and sea defences, our Industrial and Civil services provide for effective repair, upgrading or repurposing.

St Astier offers a diverse range of services for the industrial sector including the introduction or repair of expansion joints to accommodate movement, the application of specialist coatings & treatments for walls and floors, pumped screeds, specialist linings for the containment of aggressive chemicals, underplate grouting, diamond drilling & cutting, the formation of concrete slabs, and the installation of sumps.
You can also find us stabilising embankments to prevent land slippage, halting or preventing leaks in water retaining structures, repairing and waterproofing subterranean structures and basements.
Peace of mind comes with experience.
Our fully trained and experienced workforce are accustomed to working safely and effectively with challenging site conditions where access restrictions may prevail or where the work entails entry into confined spaces. We are also at home working in strictly controlled and secured zones where we make use of conventional as well as specialist plant and machinery.

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