Structural Repair.
St Astier specialises in dealing with structural failure in all manner of environments from modern and non-traditional housing, listed properties and scheduled ancient monuments, to commercial and industrial buildings. We are called upon to strengthen structures in order to improve their load bearing capability, provide rapid foundation solutions for single storey extensions, deal with leaning and bulged walls, cracked masonry and subsidence issues, carry out structural concrete repairs, and restore the integrity of structural timber.

Structural Repair Systems
The most appropriate structural repair system will be determined by a thorough survey diagnosis to uncover the full extent of failure and its root cause. As approved installers for a number of proprietary structural repair systems we are ideally placed to handle even the most challenging structural problem. We are approved for and experienced in using: advanced mini pile and helical bar reinforcement systems, and ground anchor and retaining wall stabilisation systems. We are also approved installers of manufacturers such as Anchor Systems, Helifix, Cintec, Koster, Fosroc, Sika, Remmers.

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